Table 1

Echocardiography parameters used for patient classification

IssueParameters and values
Left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunctionFractional shortening <28%; ejection fraction <50%; without LV dilatation (LVIDD <55 mm)
Isolated left ventricular dilatationLVIDD ≥55 mm with normal fractional shortening (≥28%)
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)Ejection fraction <50%; fractional shortening <28%; LVIDD >55 mm, with global hypokinaesia
Right ventricular dysfunctionRVIDD ≥30 mm or RVIDD>LVIDD
Pulmonary hypertensionPASP ≥30 mm Hg and/or peak tricuspid regurgitation (VTR) >2.5 m/s: mild 30–40 mm Hg, moderate 41–50 mm Hg, severe >50 mm Hg
Diastolic dysfunctionGrade 1: E/A <1.0, deceleration time (DCT) >220 ms, IVRT >92 ms (<30 years), >100 ms (30–50 years), >105 ms (>50 years); grade 2: E/A 1–2, DCT 150–200 ms; grade 3: E/A >2.0, DCT <150 ms
  • E/A ratio, ratio of the early (E) to late (A) ventricular filling velocities; IVRT, isovolumetric relaxation time; L/RVIDD, left/right ventricular internal dimension – diastole; PASP, pulmonary arterial systolic pressure; VTR, velocity of tricuspid regurgitation.