Table 1

Baseline characteristics of cases and controls (adult offspring)†

p Value
Male (%)125 (81.7)125 (81.7)1.000
Age (years)47.1±6.246.9±6.40.121
Systolic BP (mm Hg)120.7±21.2120.3±21.60.867
Diastolic BP (mm Hg)78.2±13.780.2±14.1)0.221
Plasma glucose (mmol/L)‡6.9 (5.7–9.6)4.8 (4.3–5.6)<0.001*
Raised plasma glucose§ (%)103 (67.3)25 (16.3)<0.001*
Total cholesterol (mmol/L)‡5.1 (4.4–5.9)5.3 (4.8–5.9)0.541
Triglycerides (mmol/L)‡1.6 (1.1–2.4)1.5 (1.2–2.3)0.287
HDL-chol (mmol/L)0.9±0.21.2±0.3<0.001*
LDL-chol (mmol/L)3.5±1.33.9±0.90.002*
Body mass index (kg/m2)24.4±3.124.4±4.10.962
Waist circumference (cm)86.3±7.888.7±10.20.013*
Metabolic syndrome (%)92 (60.1)30 (19.6)<0.001*
History of hypertension (%)99 (64.7)60 (39.2)<0.001*
History of diabetes mellitus (%)44 (28.8)17 (11.1)<0.001*
Maternal history of CVD¶ (%)21 (13.7)27 (17.6)0.430
Paternal history of CVD** (%)22 (14.4)25 (16.3)0.755
Monthly income (IDR 1,810,000)†† (%)82 (53.6)68 (44.4)0.146
College education (%)67 (43.8)48 (31.4)0.034*
High salty food/MSG intake (%)73 (47.7)47 (30.7)0.002*
High fatty food intake (%)31 (20.3)9 (5.9)<0.001*
Less fibre (%)9 (5.9)11 (7.2)0.824
Current smoker (%)70 (45.8)49 (32.0)0.015*
Former smoker (%)36 (23.5)46 (30.1)0.203
Physical inactivity (%)101 (66.0)117 (76.5)0.060
  • *p<0.05.

  • †Values are n (%) or means±SD, unless otherwise stated. Comparison of baseline characteristics between cases and controls (adult offspring) was performed using paired-samples t-test for continuous variables and McNemar's χ2 test for categorical variables.

  • ‡Values are medians (Q1–Q3). Comparison was performed using Wilcoxon sign-rank test for paired samples.

  • §Defined as fasting plasma glucose ≥6.1 mmol/L.

  • ¶Maternal history of CVD defined as mother had CVD at age <65 years.

  • **Paternal history of CVD defined as father had CVD at age <55 years.

  • ††The cut-off point based on the national average of minimum wages for decent living in Indonesia in 2015.

  • BP, blood pressure; CVD, cardiovascular disease; HDL-chol, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol; IDR, Indonesian Rupiah; LDL-chol, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol; MSG, monosodium glutamate.