Table 2

Receipt of secondary prevention measures at baseline and at 6 months after hospital discharge among patients with ACS

OverallWomenMenP valuesAge <60 yearsAge ≥60 yearsP valuesSTEMINSTEMIUnstable anginaP values
At discharge*
 Aspirin6294 (92)1742 (89)4552 (93)<0.0012291 (95)4003 (90)<0.0012016 (97)3030 (91)1248 (86)<0.001
 LLT6365 (93)1751 (89)4614 (94)<0.0012250 (93)4115 (93)0.292015 (97)3057 (92)1293 (89)<0.001
 Second antiplatelet4982 (73)1325 (67)3657 (75)<0.0011876 (78)3106 (70)<0.0011818 (88)2324 (70)840 (58)<0.001
 Beta-blocker5341 (78)1442 (73)3899 (80)<0.0011936 (80)3405 (77)<0.0011820 (88)2559 (77)962 (66)<0.001
 ACE/ARB5086 (74)1431 (73)3655 (75)0.101823 (76)3263 (73)0.051687 (81)2402 (72)997 (68)<0.001
 Discharged on ≥75% of all indicated medicines6088 (89)1681 (86)4407 (90)<0.0012189 (91)3899 (88)<0.0011952 (94)2900 (87)1236 (85)<0.001
By 6 months
 Attended cardiac rehabilitation†2607 (38)620 (32)1987 (41)<0.001999 (41)1608 (36)<0.0011055 (51)1141 (34)411 (28)<0.001
 Received dietary advice‡2858 (58)764 (55)2094 (59)0.0021061 (64)1797 (55)<0.001964 (64)1335 (56)559 (54)<0.001
 If smoker, quit§607 (32)145 (30)462 (33)0.34378 (31)229 (34)0.22321 (40)245 (29)41 (17)<0.001
  • Data are given as n (%).

  • *Discharged on specified medication among those indicated for that medication, as follows: (1) Aspirin for all. (2) Statin for all. (3) Antiplatelet indicated for all patients with STEMI or NSTEMI or undergoing PCI. For patients with unstable angina, a second antiplatelet is indicated if the patient is aged >60 years, has had a previous myocardial infarction or undergone CABG, has multivessel coronary artery disease, previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack or peripheral vascular disease, or has chronic kidney disease. A second antiplatelet is not indicated for patients on a vitamin K antagonist or non-vitamin K oral anticoagulant, unless the patient is NOT on aspirin. (4) Beta-blocker is indicated for all patients unless they have heart block or unstable angina and their left ventricular function is normal. (5) ACE inhibitor or ARB is indicated for all patients unless they are allergic to the medication or have unstable angina and their left ventricular function is normal.

  • †In the last 6 months, have you attended cardiac rehab?

  • ‡In the last 6 months, have you received dietary advice?

  • §At 6 months reported to be not smoking and having quit after ACS index event. Percentage of current smokers at baseline that have quit.

  • STEMI, ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; LLT, lipid-lowering therapy; NSTEMI, non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.