Table 3

ECG findings classified by 2010 ESC groups for all the respective analysed groups

CategoryGroup 0Group 1Group 2
All athletes, n=27383 (31%)173 (63%)17 (6.2%)
Entrance level (128)46775 (3.9%)
>1 year in programme (145)379612 (8.3%)
High maximal uptake (VO2max) sport (236)6415616 (6.8%)
Static sport (37)19171 (2.7%)
High VO2max—continuous (103)20769
High VO2max—repeated effort (133)44807
Entrance and High VO2max sport (106)3566 5
Entrance and Static sport (20)9100
>1 year in programme and high VO2max sport (130)2990 11
>1 year in programme and Static sport17 1070
Entrance and High VO2max sport—continuous (46)12322
Entrance and High VO2max—repeated effort (62)24353
>1 year in programme and high VO2max sport—continuous (57)8445 (8.7%)
>1 year in programme and high VO2max—repeated effort (71)20456 (8.4%)
  • Continuous=performance occurs at a high percentage of maximal oxygen uptake with predominately a continuous consistent effort, (2) Repeated effort=performance occurs at a high percentage of maximal oxygen uptake with repeated sprinting and/or jumping efforts and (3) Static=performance occurs at a lower percentage of maximal oxygen uptake and generally of a static nature.