Table 1

2012 WHF criteria for echocardiographic diagnosis of RHD for individuals aged ≤20 years7

Definite RHD (either A, B, C or D)
(A) Pathological MR and at least two morphological features of RHD of the MV
(B) MS mean gradient ≥4 mm Hg*
(C) Pathological AR and at least two morphological features of RHD of the AV†
(D) Borderline disease of both the AV and MV‡
Borderline RHD (either A, Bor C)
(A) At least two morphological features of RHD of the MV without pathological MR or MS
(B) Pathological MR
(C) Pathological AR
Normal echocardiographic findings (all of A, B, Cand D)
(A) MR that does not meet all four Doppler echocardiographic criteria (physiological MR)
(B) AR that does not meet all four Doppler echocardiographic criteria (physiological AR)
(C) An isolated morphological feature of RHD of the MV (eg, valvular thickening) without any associated pathological stenosis or regurgitation
(D) Morphological feature of RHD of the AV (eg, valvular thickening) without any associated pathological stenosis or regurgitation
Pathological mitral regurgitation
(all four Doppler criteria must be met)
Pathological aortic regurgitation
(all four Doppler criteria must be met)
Seen in two viewsSeen in two views
In at least one view, jet length ≥2 cmIn at least one view, jet length ≥1 cm
Velocity ≥3 m/s for one complete envelopeVelocity ≥3 m/s in early diastole
Pan-systolic jet in at least one envelopePan-diastolic jet in at least one envelope
Morphological features of the MVMorphological features of the AV
AMVL thickening ≥3 mmIrregular or focal thickening
Chordal thickeningCoaptation defect
Restricted leaflet motionRestricted leaflet motion
Excessive leaflet tip motion during systoleProlapse
  • *Congenital MV anomalies must be excluded.

  • †Bicuspid AV, dilated aortic root and hypertension must be excluded.

  • ‡Combined AR and MR in high-prevalence regions and in the absence of congenital heart disease is regarded as rheumatic.

  • AMVL, anterior mitral valve leaflet; AR, aortic regurgitation;AV, aortic valve;MR, mitral regurgitation;MS, mitral stenosis;MV, mitral valve;RHD, rheumatic heart disease;WHF, World Heart Federation.